5 December 2022
Ban on exclusivity clauses was extended to employees on contracts with a guaranteed weekly income below or equivalent to the Lower Earnings Limit (LEL).
April 2023
New NLW and NMW rates to be applied
April 2023
Statutory Maternity/Paternity/Adoption/Shared Parental/Parental Bereavement Pay
Family friendly payment rates to increase, including SMP, SAP, ShPP, SPP and SPBP
These will all increase from £156.66 per week to £172.48
6 April 2023
The SSP rate will be increased:
SSP will increase from £99.35 per week to £109.40.
6 April 2023
The Lower Earnings Limit, the amount over which must be earned to qualify for many employment-related statutory payments, will remain the same at £123.
6 April 2023
Compensation limits, statutory guarantee pay and weekly redundancy payments
(Rates to be confirmed)
8 May 2023
Extra bank holiday to mark the Coronation of King Charles